Ardent Mills UltragrainPremium Program
Program Overview
Ardent Mills has partnered with the Colorado Wheat Research Foundation and Colorado State University for years to develop top performing wheat varieties that meet the special quality needed for UltraGrain®.
Eligible Varieties
For the 2025 crop year, four varieties are included in the program. Certified seed is required on all Ardent Mills contracts, and the use of glyphosate for pre-harvest crop desiccation is prohibited.
PlainsGold Hard White Winter wheat varieties are developed at Colorado State University specifically for the quality characteristics needed by Ardent Mills, with the yield performance and agronomics needed by farmers.
Ardent Mills is currently paying premiums as follows for the 2025 crop. Future year contracts are subject to market conditions and may change. For 2025, all varieties are paid at the same premium levels:
$0.25 base grower premium
$0.40 @ 11.0% protein
$0.60 @ 12.0% protein
+ $0.05 each half a point up to 14% ($0.65 at 12.5%, $0.80 at 14%)
Delivery Points
Once you have harvested your wheat crop, complete the program by delivering your qualifying wheat crop to the delivery point in Colorado or Nebraska as listed on your grain pricing schedule.