The PlainsGold brand, introduced in 2012, carries some of the most well-known and innovative hard red and hard white winter wheat varieties available for High Plains farmers.

The PlainsGold brand, varieties and AXigen® trait are owned by the farmer-governed Colorado Wheat Research Foundation. Royalties from the sale of PlainsGold seed support the public wheat breeding program at Colorado State University, which further enhances the funding provided by the wheat assessment paid by all Colorado wheat farmers.


Wheat Genetics & Testing

PlainsGold wheat varieties are developed by Colorado State University’s public wheat breeding and genetics program that has nearly 50 years of experience developing industry-leading winter wheat varieties specifically adapted for the High Plains region. The program delivered the first publicly developed, two-gene Clearfield wheat with the release of Brawl CL Plus in 2011. This was preceded by launching the first ever Clearfield wheat in the U.S. with Above in 2001 and the first variety resistant to the Russian wheat aphid in 1995, Halt.

Field Testing

All PlainsGold varieties are tested in one of the country’s strongest field-testing programs with more than 50 locations. Only the best varieties from these trials are released, and all new and existing PlainsGold varieties continue participation in the testing program to provide wheat farmers across the High Plains region with the yield and quality information they need to make informed decisions on their farm.

High-Tech Facilities

Our wheat-breeding program takes full advantage of the excellent facilities on Colorado State University’s campus, including state-of-the-art greenhouses, end-use quality testing, and molecular genetics/genomics laboratories. Together, these resources provide us with the necessary tools to develop improved varieties using the latest technologies. Our program is staffed by an extremely dedicated wheat breeder and experienced research associates. Plus, we have the necessary facilities and infrastructure to support future growth and ensure success.